San Diego Custom Garage Doors
Custom Made Mediterranean Style Wood Garage Door in San Diego, CA
Dynamic Garage Doors are highly sought after for their unique and true architectural design. This custom wood garage door was custom designed and crafted with extra attention to detail so that the implementation on the home would be a natural fit that harmonized with the existing architectural elements.
The basic garage door design consists of vertical tongue and groove planking framed with a series of stiles and rails to appear like four individual carriage door panels. For durability and strength the wood of choice was solid mahogany which naturally tends to have red tonalities that we sometimes bleach out to achieve subtle earthy colors such as seen on this custom garage door. Since the home had a Spanish Mediterranean flavor this garage door design was the perfect choice to implement and increase the home's curb appeal.
As a rule of thumb, we strive to design our garage doors on a case by case basis so that the garage door upgrade appears as a natural architectural element. Our custom designed wood doors harmonize with each home project we work on so that they don't compete against the style of the home.